COPWRA General Membership Meeting Minutes Saturday, July 20, 2024

COPWRA General Membership Meeting Agenda Saturday, July 20, 2024

Called to Order by Craig Neher at 5:55pm

Discuss the local fire and evacuations taking place. The air quality could be a factor and a lot out of our control until we know what it is.

  • 2025 Dates
    • April 26 – 27
    • May 10-11
    • May 31-June 1
    • June 7-8

*keep July 19-20 if can’t have 2 in the May.

  • We are waiting to hear back from Casey at fairgrounds that. If May 31 to June 1st

 Financial Report- presented by Liz Russell

    • $78,000 in the account, some awards have been ordered. Total income in 2023 was $129,000 and this year it is already at $149,000. Discussed the line items for income. Financially blessed in this association. Discuss the line items for the expenses. We have cut back on the judges and saved on those expenses.
    • There was a recommendation to start accepting cards or Venmo with them paying the fee. The less checks we take, would take less to chase down bad debt.
    • As a president there are checks and balances, making sure we are operating in the black.
  • Proposed Rule Changes for 2025
  • Change barrel pattern dimensions, barrel racing pattern dimensions to Starting line no less than 35’ to 1st no more than 45’. 80’ between 1st- 2nd, 95’ to 3rd. Allow 90’ from fence to starting line. Set barrel pattern for arena conditions, and arena dimensions upon directors’ discretions. Submitted by Katy Schnabele
    • Fix typo on page “front” barrel
  • No circling or turning in times events for intermediate and senior divisions. Currently the jr high and high school rules state that a horse cannot turn or leave forward momentum to start the run. I propose that the rule is added to not only follow the hs rule book but also speed up the current rodeos. Submitted by Ryan Kimball
    • Would this subject to people now running though the gate.
    • The gate area becomes highly unsafe.
    • Turning is fine, it’s the circles they take. Makes those kids following the rules.
    • The gate is not always centered.
    • The level of our contestants for control
    • Helping the kids setup and prepare them doesn’t mean we need to not allow circling or turning.
    • There are other small things we can do to save time, this isn’t a priority
  • Calf tying director duties to include – Calf Roping and double mugging.  This helps split the duties of Arena Director and makes sense as all these events are in conjunction with one another. Submitted by Craig Neher
    • Helps eliminate some of the responsibilities of arena director
    • What about this being dissolved by the arena director
    • Make the chute dogging and calf tying one positions because they happen first thing in the morning.
    • These three events would be done by someone knowledgeable on these events. Break it up so someone isn’t there all day.
  • Calf tying, add a time limit. Submitted by Sammee Green
    • Currently there isn’t a time limit in calf tying from the post
    • :30 or :45 seconds
    • Prefer the :30 seconds gives the little kids still have a chance
    • People here make the rules get deeper and deeper from parents picking and picking
  • Double Mugging – Rules state that the Calf must be cleared, we were operating under a day rule to allow if the calf is down to take down. Submitted by Craig Neher
    • It has been a ground rule but needs to be changed in the rule book.
    • Adding all these rules, get these little kids excited and roping calves.
    • Idea of this event to get a calf roped and it stays tied for :06 seconds.
    • Parents are getting better at flanking not the kids.
  • Pole Bending – define the rule into the rule book on “Fixing” a run. Submitted by Craig Neher
    • There is a discrepancy between the HS rules and our book, we don’t define it.
    • There is a lot of kids not at the level to be at HS or JR High rodeo.
    • Rule book needs to define what then it is, allowed to correct it with a not time, or not allowed.
    • Would be the same for barrels and poles
    • Change it for the seniors
    • We are here for the kids, does it really save that much time
    • Colt as a judge thinks it takes too much time and needs to be intermediate and seniors need ride out and practice at home to get it right.
    • Kids need the opportunity to correct this on a competition arena.
    • The track gets done before the main arena.
    • Fixing the pattern includes breaking the eye.
  • Board Operations – Board to operate under “Parliamentary Procedures”. This would be following for example Robert’s Rules of Parliamentary Procedures.  This entails examples such as Presidents cannot make a motion, Treasures and Secretaries are not of voting capacity, quorum must be met to vote, etc. Submitted by Craig Neher
    • Guidelines of rules helps a board operate. Presidents can’t make a motion, treasures, secretaries can’t make a motion.
    • People won’t want to volunteer on the board, if they don’t have a vote.
    • It’s not that Craig doesn’t want a vote taking away from people just needs guidelines.
    • Some people spoke up its fine how it is now, but then some others say yes there should be these policies in place.
    • Craig recommends people research what it is, too focused on the “secretary” voting.
    • President doesn’t get a vote why is that.
    • You get someone who doesn’t know rodeo takes a board position, but they’re voting on rodeo things.
  • Would like the seniors to go to age 15, Weathers
    • It would throw off the 3 year age groups
    • Kids can already pee wee and high school rodeo
    • Josh doesn’t see it being a good thing
    • Needs to be a step up between the gap of pee wee and high school rodeo.
  • Association Secretary – Make this a paid position. This could include adding Rodeo Secretary duties or not. (Making one position out of two).  Submitted by Craig Neher.
    • This was discussed the at board meeting last night. Other associations like high school and jr high school are all paid association secretaries. IT would change the dynamics of the association. There is a lot more involved with taxes, accountability.
  • Day Money payout – Would this bring more contestants that can’t make all rodeos, give a nugget to contestants that only have one good day. Submitted by Craig Neher
    • Sammee discussed the concerns of the workload this brings on. Entry fees would have to be raised. It’s affordable.
    • You will never make enough, to make it worth while.
    • We are pee wee association, not a junior rodeo association.
    • Prefer the not of paying back, other associations payback.
    • You would have to hire office staff
    • There are things being done that make the middle kids feel successful with awards.
  • Rodeo locations – Hold rodeos at venues other than Crook County Fairgrounds. Submitted by Craig Neher
    • Asked the membership if they are happy in Prineville, nobody wants to move away from here.
  • Propose that no kids should be allowed in the arena during other kids runs while runs are being made. Submitted by Liz Russell
    • This should not be allowed in the arena when kids are competing.
    • Read the rule right now it’s noted in the rough stock, it should expand to all the events and track and arena.
    • In the arena with exception of volunteering or under approval of a director arena and track
    • Allow “except when volunteering”


  • Starting the rodeo at 8 am with Calf tying, then moving directly into team roping, followed by grand entry. Grand entry time to be estimated but not waited for if team roping finishes sooner. Submitted by Jody Holmes
    • Instead of hard start times would be the calf tying, takes 15minutes
    • Roll right into the team roping, then roll right into the grand entry.
    • It eliminates the confusion and liability if we can’t start early so they don’t get.
    • Don’t move grand entry / move the grand entry
    • Concern is enough time for contestants and parents get to their next events, the adult team ropers have time to take care of their horses, kids, etc.
    • Jill says leave it where it’s at.
  • Define how many liners are needed in the roping events (none-2-4?) and remove extra people/spectators/ropers waiting to rope during all the roping events. Submitted by Jody Holmes
    • All roping events
    • Grandstands have parents they can’t see, it’s effecting how calf horses are working.
    • Have to have liners because they can’t score and will turn cattle back to the left.
    • We are getting too knit picky
    • Youd have to have harder running stock with less liners.
    • Can’t train the parents and kids at same time
    • There are too many things to micromanage
    • Minimize how far down we go down the arena, arena director.
    • The kid and parent need to think about it and work on it.
    • Third posts down nobody past there, the further you go you bring it back a little more into the open.
    • There is a flow, and don’t switch things up it is working.
    • Asking people why they come here, because our rodeo is run well.
  • Moving the sled roping onto the track with a panel-built box next to the exit gate, with the box closed off/fenced off during other track events. Submitted by Jody Holmes
    • Makes it easy
    • Progression to next step, more realistic.
    • Back in the box and nodding their head
    • The order of senior rough stock saddle steer and break in between. The juniors are run and seniors for a logistics reason, and kids having to compete back to back. You can’t load and strip stuff at the same time.
  • The seniors rope with another kid in the team roping, they have to enter with a partner, getting them setup for junior high. Saves on helpers.
    • Drawing will be a problem.
    • It’s a safety concern
    • It prepares them to start thinking about partners
    • They are of age need to find partners
    • It changed because of horsepower, safety.
    • If kid roping with kid, then NO three loops. Safety issue.
  • Allow 3 loops for intermediates and seniors in team roping with a 30 or 45 second time limit. Submitted by Jody Holmes
    • These kids are roping with an adult.
    • When the adult miss, that is team roping
    • Jr High and High School have a :30 limit
    • They never get practice rebuilding their loop
    • Benefit the heelers, the dads are fast enough to rebuild.
    • Skill we are not building for them.
    • If you have to bring your own partner.
    • It’s hard on stock, horses, gear, and adults.
    • It’s a safety concern
    • JR High and High school, use entire arena have more room, less chance of a wreck.
    • None of the adult ropers want it to go to three loops
    • Should the juniors be cut back to two loops for safety concerns
    • Part of the skills


Volunteer flaggers was a high level of inconsistency of times, rules, then we appointed people, times not matching. Let’s try hiring judges. How to find credentials. Is it harder to find someone that knows rules or is it harder to find judges. This year judges will be booked this fall. Craig uses a judges list of HS Rodeo, Jr Rodeo, ICA, NPRA.

Stacie Smith from Pendleton


  • Chute Dogging- why do we have the chute dogging rules different than junior high.

They way the horn is grabbed to be changed back to how it is in junior high. Cant touch the horn until it’s across the line.


Officer / Director Nominations; nominations will be taken at the meeting

  • Rodeo Secretary (position open, Sammee Green not returning for position)
    • Brittany Wofford- nominated by Casey Romine, second by Roger Nonella
  • Treasurer
    • Liz Russell, nominated by Casey Romine, second by Ryan Gallagher
  • Rough Stock Director
    • Mike Romine, nominated by Liz Russell, second by Josh Peterson
  • Goat Director (position open, Casey Romine not returning)
    • Casey Romine, nominated by Kasey Every, seconded by Kelsey Nonella
    • Delegate someone to help her with the duties.
    • Alternate Kit Thompson
  • Calf Tying Director (position open, Tony Green not returning for position)
    • This role could change based on the voting in October. You need knowledge but you don’t have to be involved in what your kids would be in.
    • Colton Gow, nominated by Roger Nonella, seconded by Mike Romine
  • Barrels (position open, Katy Schnabele not returning for position)
    • Bailey Cline, nominated by Liz Russell, seconded by Roger Nonella
  • Awards, all around
    • Tiffany Davis, nominated by Jody Holmes
    • Laura Davis, nominated by Liz Russell, Second Josh Peterson
    • Kelsey Nonella, nominated by Sam Gallagher, second Ryan Steele
  • Awards, events (position open, Katy Kimball not returning for position)
    • Jill Latno-Yamate, nominated by Jody Holmes, second by Laura Davis
    • Jenna Nonella, nominated by Kelsey Nonella, second by Sam Gallagher
  • Volunteer Coordinator
    • Jody Holmes, nominated by Liz Russell second by Ryan Gallagher
  • Association Secretary (position open, Kasey Every not returning)
    • No nominations
    • 1 year position

October meeting we choose the stock contractor but needs dates and locations. We will need their numbers by October. Goats and all other stock.

Two queens getting introduced at grand entry tomorrow, Sunday’s grand entry.

 Meeting Adjourned 7:55pm

COPWRA Board Meeting Minutes: Friday, July 19 2024

Board Meeting Minutes July 19, 2024

Rodeo office at Crook County Fairgrounds

Called to Order at 6:06pm


Attendees: Sammee Green, Kasey Every, Sam Gallagher, Ryan Gallagher, Trevor McCoin

Casey Romine, Jody Holmes, Ryan Steele, Liz Russell, Craig Neher, Jill Jennings.

Phone: Katy Kimball

Not present: Tygh O’Malley, Katy Schnabele


2025 Dates– if kept on same weekends as 2024

April 26 & 27

May 10 & 11

May 31 and June 1st as an option to replace July

June 7 & 8

July 19 & 20

*National High School Finals July 13-19 2025

*Jefferson County Fair July 23-26 2025

  • Membership and Entry numbers have been up, in turn means people like it.
  • Other experience at other associations, it’s a cluster, arenas take forever things are so much easier her.
  • For 2025 your May 31 June 1st, weekend and then doing June 7 and 8th. Will this be Oregon High School State Finals?
  • It would be beneficial for stock contractors; families would like it.

Board terms and rotations- The Bylaws state that the terms for the positions should be alternating, with 3 Directors being elected each year.

  • I think we have added positions until we are no longer balanced with Board turnover.
  • Can we make some of these positions a three-year term for this election only, so that they are moved to a schedule of odd-year vacancy, which would even out the Board turnover?

The Bylaws also state that a Nominating Committee consisting of Outgoing Officers and the Board of Directors shall make nominations prior to the annual meeting, as well as take nominations at the general membership meeting.

  • Make certain terms 1 year so people aren’t overwhelmed by it.
  • There are no term limits.
  • Certain positions take a lot more understanding. There needs to be the right people into the spots.
  • Paying the position discussion, it’s about finding people who are passionate and doing it for the right reasons, can’t pay people to do these positions.
  • Positions need to be rodeo familiar.

Trevor  motion, Sammee Second

  • Goat and Calf Tying at 2 year terms;
  • Association Secretary 1 year
  • All Around Award 2 year, Event Award 1 year


Vice and President should be on alternating years, as well as the awards, and secretaries.  This leaves a person with experience in the position to help lead. Table this for a 2025 discussion.


  • Rodeo Secretary / Association Secretary Duties. What are the duties, how are they shared, can they be combined, split.  Who does what and how?
  • Someone who has first year junior or younger to serve a good 4 years.
  • Membership make sure kids are in correct age divisions.
  • Sammee has cheat sheets,
  • Positions need to have a kid in it and remember these people have a vote.
  • If you take a position and you’re not a parent/member you won’t be able to vote, if a grandma or aunt takes this role. Discuss this.


  • Any nominations / recommendations from leaving members
  • We need to think about this and make it less intimidating


  • Finical Recap year to date – budget discussion and 2025 planning
  • Award start planning on March, review membership numbers, timing, and follow the rulebook.
  • There is a process to how money is spent.
  • Vote on amount spending on Awards
  • Craig has a lot of confidence in the people now, but there is a lot of trust with the people do this in. President needs to have it under control and an understanding.
  • There doesn’t need to be a vote on this because it depends on membership numbers initially. Checks and balances.
  • The treasurer will be the gatekeeper.
  • Proposal presented based on what numbers are so board knows what plan is for spending.


  • Vote on amount spending on Awards Banquet; clarify date, time, location, venue, and theme.
  • Directors want coats.
  • Ask FFA or 4H donation to serve food, so people can eat with their families.
  • Rodeo That is Out of This World theme

Katy Kimball mentioned concerns that have been expressed to her drinking at the arena and alcohol use in and around the arena. These people don’t feel comfortable with coming to the board because they will be laughed at. Board needs to be enforce it and be more proactive about it. It’s a simple thing.

Any visible in or around the arena, you will be asked to leave. Any confrontation your child will be disqualified. The rule book needs to be more direct that it’s a disqualification. Making sure parents aren’t driving around parking lot with kids and drinking beer.

Curfew takes place at other rodeos.

There needs to be no tolerance.

Collecting bad debts, do we hire a collection agency, how do we collect bad debts. Mark ineligible not being able to enter rodeos.

Queen tryouts happened with two candidates.

Meeting adjourned at 7:43pm

COPWRA Board Meeting Minutes October 15 2023

COPWRA 2023 Board Meeting Minutes. October 15, 2023, 8:30am

Crook County Indoor Arena Foyer

 Present: Casey Romine, Jody Holmes, Tony Green, Ryan Steele, Craig Neher, Trevor McCoin, Kasey Every, Sammee Green, Tygh O’Malley, Katy Schnabele, Sam Gallagher, Ryan Gallagher, Jill Jennings, Liz Russell.

Phone: Katy Kimball

Called to order 8:29am, by Craig.

 New Directors understand their responsibilities and event rules.

    • Yes, Ryan Steele only new director and has helped Craig the past couple of years, knows the drill.
  • Financials
    • Balance is not current, report handed out was pulled October 1st and given to Craig, she printed these copies.
    • There are still some outstanding expense and invoices to be paid
    • There have been deposits made since October 1st and still have money coming in from donations.
    • Jill and Kasey working on a way to create a master list on donations and how to approach sponsorships.
    • Jill will need to do a monthly forecast of what expenses they need approval for from the queens. They will be asking for approval before they spend any money.
    • The board needs to be more in the know about donations and where the money is going with the queen expenses.
    • Security checks for financials, Deann Bain does our taxes and financial checks and files our taxes. Liz confirmed we got a letter verifying the integrity of our records and bookkeeping.
    • Kasey explained how they budget for awards and know how much to spend and how many awards they will need.
    • Final balance sheet and bank balance, will be provided to the board by December 31, 2023.
  • Memberships will be online with a per kid rate-
    • Rodeo software management fees to COPWRA will increase for Entry Fees from $3 to $4 per kids, memberships would be $3 per membership processed.
    • Insurance costs, jacket costs, processing costs, breakout the expenses so people understand where their money goes and what plays factor as costs keep rising.
    • Make sure we break down the expenses of what goes into membership.
      • Jacket, Insurance, processing fees, no solicitation, no awards fees.
    • Kasey makes a motion for $125 per contestant, Tony Green second it. Motion carries, passed.
  • Office Fees/Entry Fees
    • Kasey made a motion raise from $15 to $20 per weekend office fee, Trevor second it. Passed.
    • Keep entry fees as is 2024, review this next year since we adjusted membership and office fee.
  • Facility Fees 2024- present at County meeting Feb 2024
    • Kasey will attend Crook County Commissioners meeting to ask for 2024 facility fees to be covered by an economic impact grant, like they have granted in the past for COPWRA, she will attend with the kids, keep Craig in the loop he could attend as well.
  • Board production meeting – with the judges each morning before the rodeo starts include all directors and judges; discuss the ground, rakes.
    • Saturday is game plan and Sunday recap and plan for day, 15 minutes meetings
    • 7:00am meetings at the rodeo office
  • Day sheets and/or rule books printed or not
    • Keep a rule book printed in the office with a high school rodeo rule book.
    • Takes Sammee PDF and put it online and email it, keep the paper copies just reduce the quantity being printed.
    • Make it available online and encourage people to print theirs off at home.
  • Paramedic protocol- 2023 new protocol did it work better than in past
    • Who in Prineville do we talk to about their response time to accidents, it was 12-14 minutes. Craig wants to talk to and resolve this issue and what does our insurance require for this? Katy Kimball made the call for Prineville accident and it was 7 minutes from time she called until paramedics arrived at arena.
  • Liability Insurance- President/Treasurer, who will be making sure we have this and a cost
    • Craig Neher will take this on, costs, association responsibilities, local hospital needs to know a rodeo is town, what are the options. County emergency management.

 Signs posted again; running through gate and no alcohol, others.

    • Yes, have them posted again
  • Crooked River Roundup Young Guns
    • Roundup has new rodeo chair, general manager and is going through a lot of changes, plans for 2024 are not know at this time.
    • This should be determined after January, when Kasey knows more.
  • Stock Contractor Bids; plan for these
    • What are the legal requirements for a board, getting bids, over a certain amount? Multi year bids as an option.
    • We are happy with current contractors, not seeking to replace, not soliciting.
    • Youth rough stock, when and how do we bring back in horses.
    • If entry fee has to be adjusted, we can do that before the end of year.
  • Volunteer – review what’s working and what isn’t.
    • Need to add to the rules, if not paid had to be in good standing and debts paid being able to renew membership following year. Sammee made motion, Kasey second
    • How much effort and energy and hounding do we need to do to get people to help.
    • Board of directors don’t need to sign up to volunteer.
    • Jody wants to keep the system in place that she has, she wants timeline to coincide with entry close deadline. Keep it open through lates.
    • Make it very clear, sign up for BOTH days.
    • 2024 Dates & Locations
  • Keep in mind that our membership wants a different arena, keep an eye on the entries and membership.
    • April 27 & 28- Prineville
    • May 11 & 12- Prineville
    • June 1 & 2- Prineville
    • July 20 & 21st – Prineville, Friday July 19th.
    • October 12th – Prineville Banquet *
      • Kasey has presented a new date for banquet would be October 5.

 Proposed Rule Changes to Vote On

  1. Eliminate judges
  • Trevor makes a motion we hire one judge for the track, and directors flagging and appointed by a director. Kasey seconds,
    • Watch carefully the kids running through the gates, make sure judge can see this.
    • A volunteer should not be flagging someone out, it’s the judges call.
    • The director will stay in there for barrel racing, if not the judge it will be appointed by the director.

 Intermediate Double Mugging rules, more clarification and clarify on how long calf to stay tied

  • Specify a time calf must stay tied.
    • all human touch is gone off the calf, then :06 sec start and calf must stay tied, flagger times the :06 seconds. Motion made by Ryan Gallagher, second by Kasey,
  1. Separate results for headers and heelers in team roping, not jackpotted together. Headers place 1-10th, heelers place 1-10.
  • Liz Russell made motion to separate it, Katy Schnabele second the motion passed
    • Rule book needs to be amended to reflect placings, points, etc.
  1. Turn out fees assessed for non-notified turnouts – a non-notified turnout fee of $50 per kid for a non-notified turnouts in their event. This fee must be paid for contestant to be eligible for year end jacket and prizes and to be in good standing to for following year’s membership.
    • Trevor made motion, Tony seconds it,
    • Craig says it needs to be per event turnout fee, but reminder this was a notified. Sammee discussed why per day turnout fee.
    • Rule book needs to be amended.
  2. Junior Breakaway in the rule book, it read once kids misses the dummy will stop, then they build up. Change it so that the dummy won’t stop.
    • There is no time limit, the sled doesn’t stop, time is over when it gets to end of the arena, they can pack a second loop or rebuild their loop.
    • Craig makes motion, Kasey second it,
  3. Consider making 3 loops in team roping-
  • No motion
  1. Starting rodeos at the 8am
  • No motion
  1. Eliminate calf tying
  • No motion
  • Calf tying will be at 8:00am, no announcer, it will be out of the roping chute. This will be good for calves to be tied before tie-down and more help for director, and run them to see the back end, plus don’t have to try fit it in during rodeo events. Give senior boys enough time to get on horses and be ready for team roping too.
  • Add at :06 sec time limit the calf must stay tied after all human contact is off calf.
    • Tony made motion, Ryan G second it,
  1. No correcting the pattern, must exit the arena immediately.
  • Discussion took place on how it would save time, but at this level they need to make their horse complete the pattern, it won’t save that much time
  • No motion to vote on this.
  1. There needs to be a safety help or clarify, horse must be ridden into the arena, no walked into arena, then try to get on the horse.
    • Doesn’t have to be a rule, but it needs to be addressed as a safety concern. If we see something like this as a board, we need to find the contestant and offer help and concerned for her safety.
  1. Chute dogging cattle need to change direction before throwing and time starts when chute opens.
  • The time needs to start at the gate, not at the line.
    • Trevor made motion, Tony second it,
  • Contestant can start with their left hand on the left horn but can’t cradle the right horn until they cross the line.
    • Craig made a motion, Ryan G second it,
  • It’s the director discretion where to set the line can be adjusted more  or less than 10’ depending on the stock.
    • Ryan Steel made motion, Trevor McCoin second it,
  1. Rough Stock Chute Time Limit
  • Read rule book or add to it that there is a time limit when in the chute to nod your head over the time, you’re turned out. If the animal is cooperating and everything is set, this is when the time limit will be enforced.
  • Tygh needs more help at the bucking chutes so he can be there to monitor and help kids.
  • Judge/Directors discretion to call time and turnout out a kid for not being ready in the chute, they need to be prepared, will be turned out if taking excessive amount of time.
    • Tygh O’Malley made motion, Trevor McCoin second it, passed.
  1. Bovine or Equine can be used in rough stock, not limit us in case something becomes available.
    • Motion by Trevor, seconded by Craig,
  1. Director’s desecration to choose if calf riding gets flanked or doesn’t get flanked, not the parents.
    • Tygh O’Malley made motion, Trevor McCoin second it, passed.


  • The board discussed Tallie Wood continuing through 2023 end of year, is not allowed her time was Oct 2022 to 2023.
  • Allow lil miss to run for queen the following year
    • Make sure it is updated in the Queen rule book and packet. It doesn’t specify they can or can’t. Make sure the packet gets updated for the 2024 application.
  • We must reapply for our 501 C3, federal we are fine. We lost our letter. We have a letter from the state, and we are having to reapply. We are registered with state. Liz will get us an update and how we get our state status for this.
  • Calf riding when riding beef cattle needs to go off time,
    • try to encourage them. Want to keep the kids entering. Beef cattle weren’t too hard it was the chutes where these kids get discouraged. Tygh is going to have his guy talk to Cody and see if he needs help with rough stock and what is available, costs, etc.
    • Before the first rodeo we know what, the stock is, then decide what the rules will be, if placings will go off of time. Rodeo software doesn’t allow points from placings in certain events to not count in All Around. This discussion will be continued before the first rodeo in 2024, no rules changed at this time.
    • Entry fees for rough stock might have to be adjusted according to stock fees.

Meeting adjourned at 11:57am

COPWRA Board Meeting Minutes Friday, Juy 28 2023

COPWRA  Board Meeting Minutes Friday, July 28 2023.

Meeting called to order at 7:02 pm

Present: Ryan Kimball, Trevor McCoin, Jody Holmes, Katy Kimball, Casey Romine, Kasey Every, Craig Neher, Tygh O’Malley, Jill Jennings, Tony Green, Sammee Green, Ryan Gallagher. Phone: Ryan Gallagher and Sam Gallagher. Brian Barker was present for a few minutes, then excused himself.

2024 dates were the purpose of this board meeting. To have dates set earlier in the year to allow families to plan and get our dates on the schedule earlier than we have in past years.

There was discussion of starting rodeo season in March, to avoid date conflicts in July. The April, May, June weeks are booked solid with JRHigh and HS rodeo. Work to avoid Central Oregon fair dates, since we are a Central Oregon Rodeo Association.

Stock contractor is not willing to take stock to Burns, if rodeos go back to Burns COPWRA would be responsible for finding a different contractor for that rodeo.

Discussions if we wanted to allow make ups for these kids if date couldn’t be workable. General consensus was to keep rule in place for no makeups.

Comment was made about delegating out rodeos to different locations who have committees that put on the rodeos. Comment was said that it’s working and working well that we don’t need to reinvent the wheel.

General consensus was to keep rodeos in Prineville. Discussed other locations such as Redmond, Sisters, Madras, La Pine. Prineville has everything we need, is big enough and accommodates pee wee rodeo very well. Tractors, groomers, PA systems, stalls, parking, etc.

June 1- 2 is the High Desert Barrel Club finals booked in Prineville, Liz contact them about they use indoor, we use outdoor or they host a race Fri and Sat night pee wee could help them with their ground.

April 27 & 28 in Prineville; Ryan Kimball called for vote, approved.

May 11 & 12 in Prineville; Ryan Kimball called for vote, approved

June 1 & 2 in Prineville; Ryan Kimball called for vote *if HDBC will work with us on dates/facility to have our rodeo this weekend we will in Prineville, approved. Liz Russell will keep in touch with producers and let the board know decisions in the coming weeks. Upon answers the board will make their next plans.

July 20 & 21st in Prineville; Ryan called for vote, approved. This date can be changed to July 27 & 28 if the Oregon Race Commission doesn’t give the CRR horse races their usual second weekend in July dates.


Jill Jennings, Queen Coordinator, asked the board for their vote to allow 1 queen and up to 2 princesses, Craig made the motion, Jody second it, board voted in favor.


Meeting adjourned at 8:32pm

General Membership July Minutes 29, 2023

COPWRA 2023 General Membership Meeting Minutes

Called to order on July 29, 2023 at 6:35pm

Grandstands at Crook County Fairgrounds Outdoor Arena

2024 Dates-

April 27 & 28- Prineville

May 11 & 12- Prineville

June 1 & 2- tentative Prineville*pending barrel club works with us on facility and dates.

July 20 & 21st – Prineville *pending race commission approval of CRR horse races. If dates  to be moved it will be July 27 & 28.

 Memberships will be online with a per kid rate, determined at October board meeting.

Suggested to have a board production meeting with the judges each morning before the rodeo starts include all directors and judges; discuss the ground, rakes.

There will be 1 queen and up to 2 lil miss COPWRA 2024; Ruby Hopper, Della Porterfield, and Mirah Quintero.

Proposed Rule Changes for 2024

  1. Eliminate judges.
    1. Asked the directors to discuss the pros and cons
    2. They don’t make the executive decision; they ask a directors and boards. Why do we need to pay them to be for best interest for our kids. There hasn’t been any benefit in the rough stock. We had two judges; they became unavailable day of. Hard to find the quality of the judges.
    3. They judges have pulled a lot of pressure of the board.
    4. Educate the judges, they need to be trained.
    5. The board hires them then we must support the flaggers call.
    6. The judge for goats is very valuable.
    7. As directors make sure they know the rules, safety deal directors call.
    8. One judge all roping, then that judge comes and does goats.
    9. Is there a standard for knowing what events need a judge and what ones don’t.
    10. Does need to be the poles for assists and a lot of issues.
    11. Figure out a way to keep them educated and use them.
    12. Educated them at a production meeting.
    13. There must have respect for if there is a bad judges call.
    14. Discuss at your meeting, if there is a director that is not confident, then we have judges for it. If board wants a judge then discuss and support it.
    15. Idea if there could be student delicates like JHSR and HSR, no kids are in too many events and they are too young for this responsibility.
  2. Intermediate Double Mugging rules follow Sr. Boy Tie Down Roping Rules
  3. Intermediate Double Mugging rules, more clarification and clarify on how long calf to stay tied
    1. Specify a time until all human touch is gone and then 6 sec start and calf must stay tied.
    2. Kid doesn’t have to get back on for the time to
    3. All human contact off calf and 6 secs starts.
    4. Everyone in agreement that it needs to have a specified time.
    5. As this event has become more competitive and more entries, rules need to be more specific to it.
  4. Separate results for headers and heelers in team roping, not jackpotted together. Headers place 1-10th, heelers place 1-10.
    1. It affects the kids in the all-around; kid who bust butt in heading gets points. Then you have the heeler who catches 2 all year but gets 20 points.
    2. There is a huge shortage of heelers, there are kids that want to heel but they can’t heel against the adults.
    3. Overall comment was membership like it as it is now.
  5. Turn out fees assessed- enforce it, set the fee at $50 per kid for a non-notified turnouts
    1. If a kid is hurt, we understand.
    2. If you just not showing up, there is a consequence.
  6. Allow laceups to be worn, clarify that this isn’t currently against rules.
    1. There are no fat baby boots.
    2. HS Rodeo rules are the fall back and it’s not against the rules.
  7. Allow lil miss to run for queen the following year.
    1. Make sure it is updated in the Queen rule book and packet
    2. Needs to be qualification process.
  8. Junior Breakaway in the rule book, it read once kids misses the dummy will stop, then they build up. Change it that the dummy won’t stop.
    1. To make it more lifelike a calf doesn’t stop, so the dummy never stops.
    2. The dummy will be pulled at the consistent speed until end of the arena, put the second loop on them, they can pack a second loop so they don’t have to rebuild.
    3. First two rodeos the dummy stops, the second two it doesn’t. break the kids into it slowly.
  9. Consider making 3 loops in team roping
    1. More prone to wrecks, helpers’ horses too much for them, takes too much time.
    2. Maybe just the senior
  10. Starting rodeos at the 8am
    1. Too early too much in mornings
    2. 8:30 seemed to be an earlier enough start time
    3. Juniors are little and first events
  11. Eliminate calf tying
    1. It’s not a real event, it’s more of a practice event
    2. Ability for kids who aren’t ready to calf rope or don’t have a horse
    3. It’s an event that builds skills for the next step
    4. It’s not a real event
  12. Junior, Intermediate, Seniors. No correcting the pattern, must exit the arena immediately.
    1. For sure the seniors, they aren’t allowed at all.
    2. Humane rule is taken care of humane treatment
    3. Intermediate and Seniors
    4. Announcers, judges they need to know.
    5. Intermediate need to know pattern and seniors.

There needs to be a safety help or clarify, horse must be rode into the arena, no walked into arena, then try to get on the horse.


  1. President
    1. Craig Neher, nominated by Jessica Steele. 2nd nomination Christine Mahoney.
  2. Vice President
    1. Roger Nonella, nominated by Jessica Steele, 2nd Wyatt Clark
    2. Trevor McCoin, nominated by Liz Russell, 2nd nomination Marcie Neher
  3. Track Director
    1. Ryan Steele, nominated by Jessica Steele, 2nd nomination Kelsey Nonella
  4. Arena Director
    1. Ryan Gallagher, nominated by Jessica Steele, 2nd by Steph O’Malley
  5. Queen/Grand Entry Director
    1. Jill Jennings, nominated by Kasey Every, 2nd nomination Javan Shull

Meeting Adjourned at 7:42pm

October 2022 Board of Director Meeting Minutes

Central Oregon Pee Wee Rodeo Association Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
October 16, 2022 at 8:00 am
Crook County Fairgrounds Indoor Arena

Meeting called to order; 8:05am by Vice President Trevor McCoin

Present; Trevor McCoin, Ryan Gallagher, Tygh O’Malley, Casey Romine, Jill Jennings, Tony Green, Sammee Green, Craig Neher, Sam Gallagher, Katy Kimball, Kasey Every, Katy Schnabele, Liz Russell.

Not Present; Rachel DeLance, Ryan Kimball,

Guest observer; Jody Holmes

• Location and dates;
o Keep in mind the memberships wants to expose their kids to compete in different arenas. Burns businesses have contributed over $7,000 to COPWRA in donations.
o Try to avoid booking on other rodeos, national finals, and county fairs.
 Craig shared his research on dates for rodeos, fairs, Harney County Fairgrounds availability, and more.
 What about adding and dropping rodeos; you would have to drop entire weekends because we enter a rodeo as because of our software restrictions, not realistic.
o We might have to be flexible and creative if running all in one arena, Friday evening run all barrel and poles, then again Saturday evening. We can’t keep everything the exact same and throw in the towel too quickly. Be creative and make it happen.
• April 29 & 30 – checking Brasada, Redmond Expo Center, checking indoor Prineville TBD. If there are no indoor options will be held outdoor arena of Prineville. Board approves.
• May 6 & 7 – TBD (as long in central Oregon somewhere, so it can work with HS rodeo parents who will be in Prineville already). Asking Deschutes Expo, Brasada, anywhere else that is an option. High School has Prineville rented this weekend. If there isn’t a facility in Central Oregon, we will discuss date revision and discuss, then the board will and vote on location and date .
• June 3 & 4- Burns, arena
o Katy Schnabele made motion to have it in Burns, to have it in Burns, Trevor McCoin seconded it.
o Board voted to APPROVE
o If we have stock freight increased because of Burns, Ryan Steele will pay the additional freight costs.
• July 29 & 30- Prineville arena, Approved.
• On November 7th, the board reconvened via email to discuss location and date options for April and May. Based on availability and facility expenses. April’s rodeo will be 29 & 30 in Prineville and May 13 & 14 in Prineville.
• October 14- banquet in Prineville indoor arena, Approved.
o JR High Rodeo Dates:
 April 15 & 16- Madras
 May 20 & 21- Lakeview
 May 26 & 28- State Finals Powell Butte
 Nationals June 18-24
o High School Rodeo Dates
 April 7-9 – Klamath
 April 20-23- Hermiston
 May 5-7- Prineville
 May 12-14- Burns
 June 7-10 – State Finals
 July 16-23 Nationals

• Asked Crook County to donated facilities for 2022- over $6,000 in facility fees were donated per a request made by Kasey on October 5th.

• Negotiate with fairgrounds additional concession options regardless of their menu offerings.; the board would like to write a letter to the Crook County Commissioners addressing our concerns and ask for an exception in their contract terms. Kasey will take the lead on this, draft a letter for board to sign.

• Financials
o Current as of (10/14/22) Profit & Loss Statement and Balance Sheet were shared with everyone.
o Remaining open invoice would be the dinner invoice for banquet and $200 reimbursement to Kasey for shipping rate paid. Doesn’t reflect some dinner ticket sales and merchandise sales from night of banquet.
• Rules & Rulebook Edits- these will be made once voting takes place, later on in meeting.

• Keep records of members and paperwork for how many years- board discussed and all agree that they should be kept for 7 years.

• Increasing sponsorships, saddles bumped up to $1,200 / $700 for half- discussed and at this time do not want to ask sponsors for more money, but the association will make up the difference and allow $1,000 for each Underage saddle, and $1,200 per saddle for each of the other age divisions.

• Stock Contractor Bids ; both the Goat (Kimball) contractor and all other Stock (Every) said there will be additional freight fees to go to Burns, more than received in 2022 season. Kimballs presented their stock charges would remain the same as the 2022 season prices. Cody Every said his fees will all stay the same, except the chute dogging fee will be increased from $12 to $15 per run. Board approved these fees per run and the increased cost for freight to Burns.

• Entry Fees / Membership Fees;
o Entry fees for chute dogging will be increased to $20. All other events, office fee, and membership fees will stay the same as 2022.

• Crooked River Roundup Young Guns: Timed Events 2023, top 9 (3 each event, each night) – this should increase our memberships and entries for April and May’s rodeos.

• Judges in 2023- Craig will be contacting and hiring judges for 2023 season, Brian Barker is very interested.

• You can have rosin in the rough stock. Correct this in the rule book per Tygh O’Malley

• Volunteer- reviewed and discussed Jody’s proposal, board was in agreement to enforce the $25 fine, Casey Romine and Jody Holmes will manage and collect, if the fines are not collected kids will be ineligible to get their awards. They will come up with their system, review, contact, and check in sheets at rodeos. This position is very involved and a beast, it should be a board position to give more authority to Jody when she is enforcing this, this will be discussed later in the meeting.
Add the following wording into Rule Book;
General Rules #19. All Families are required to volunteer at each rodeo they have a contestant entered in. For unusual/extenuating circumstances accommodation requests can be made to the Volunteer Director in advance of the rodeo. For families that do not show up for their volunteer assignment, they will be charged a $25 No Show Fee and that payment will be due prior to receiving any year end event or membership awards.

• Signs posted at the gates; Kasey will have signs made for each gate, each rodeo. no alcohol , no running through the gate you will be disqualified . It’s an insurance liability.

• Paramedic practices and procedure at rodeos.
o We need to invest in a bag and board – ask Travis Allen to purchase it and set it up for us. Kasey to ask Travis Allen about this.
o We need to have a protocol for who should calling 911, event director needs to be in charge of this, talk to parent, get them called. Get them called.
o Give the paramedic’s name to announcer & phone number, who is there, put the board and bag in trailer. Ask Travis and Denny if they’re okay to use them as a contact for this. If the Event Director is not present, any Director needs to call 911, even if someone else says they are doing it. Better to have multiple calls to ensure proper care. The paramedics we have present as parents/volunteers are more highly trained/qualified that those who are manning an ambulance. Prineville will not place an ambulance at the fairgrounds for the day because it is less than 5 minutes from the hospital.

• Discuss hiring a tractor driver all day each day, board feels that hiring timers would be more important than a tractor driver, will discuss and vote later in meeting.

• Rodeo entries; shorter entry dates, there will be a preliminary draw, there is a late fee, once final draw is posted will not be taking entries. Continue to encourage members to. Keep your confirmation numbers and emails.

• Intermediate Tie Down Ropers need to designate their mugger only one person allowed to flank the calf and one person to handle the horse. Mention this at the rodeo before event starts, no flanking calf from the left, meeting and before the event starts.

• Each event director needs to make a bullet point list of specific reminders of rules and clarification to have on judge’s sheets, announcer sheets, and discuss these at the first meeting of the year so it’s very upfront and clear for everyone to know these. Judges need to attend this meeting as well, it’s a great time for members to ask the questions.

2023 Rule Proposals or Suggestions:

• Junior breakaway dummy starts at least 10’ from the front of roping chute
o Ryan Gallagher made a motion, Craig Neher seconded it
o Board voted to APPROVE

• Makeup Runs
o Craig Neher made a motion that there are NO MAKEUP RUNS period. Tygh O’Malley second this.
o Board voted to APPROVE
• The board will be diligent when scheduling rodeo dates to avoid date conflicts on Central Oregon county fair dates.
• In order to request a same day draw position change because of a conflicting event, it needs to be submitted in writing/email to the board at least 14 days prior to the rodeo date. A decision will be made at board’s discretion by voting. This submission process is not necessary for a sibling sharing a horse in an event conflict.
o Ryan Gallagher made the motion. Katy Kimball seconded it
o Board voted to APPROVE

• Make it 3 loops in the intermediate in senior team roping
o No motion made to vote.

• Hiring Timers for Rodeos
o Craig Neher made the motion, Katy Schnabele seconded it
o Board voted to APPROVE with the payment being no more than $250 per day.
 Sammee will research costs and availably of people. Is NOT a rule we have to have them, but the board approved proceeding with it.

• Intermediate Tie Down Roping- must have a neck rope, must have a keeper. Listed in rule book.
o Ryan Gallagher made the motion; Tygh O’Malley seconded it
o Board voted to APPROVE

• Change to number of rodeos a contestant must compete in from 5 to 6. So to be eligible for jackets and awards, contestants must compete in 6 of the 8 rodeos.
o Kasey Every made the motion, Sam Gallagher seconded it
o Board voted to APPROVE

• Bylaws need to reflect that directors board meeting is for directors and the board only. If someone wants to attend to address a specific issue they must submit a formal written/email request at least 14 days prior to meeting date. Allowing a non-board member or director will be determined by the board’s discretion by voting.
o Craig Neher made the motion, Sam Gallagher seconded it
o Board voted to APPROVE

• Donation Director positions should be dissolved and made the responsibility of Association Secretary, because that position is doing the work for it currently. This position can be made available again if there is someone willing to step up and do it.
o Kasey Every made the motion, Craig Neher seconded it
o Board voted to APPROVE

• Volunteer Director, add as a board member
o Casey Romine made the motion, Katy Schnabele second it,
o Board voted to APPROVE
o Katy Schnabele nominated Jody Holmes to position, Casey Romine seconded it
 Board voted to APPROVE

Other Business
• Photos and a contact Information on the website (phone or email) listed but it is up to director what contact info they want posted
• First meeting of the year all directors there.
• 2023 we will be taking nominations for the following board positions; serving the 2024 & 2025 rodeo seasons.
o President
o Vice President
o Arena Director
o Track Director
o Queen Coordinator

Meeting adjourned at 11:10am by Vice President Trevor McCoin

General Membership Meeting Minutes July 23 2022

General Meeting Agenda on July 23, 2022

Discussion, meeting called to order by President Ryan Kimball on Saturday, July 23rd at 5:33pm. Covered grandstands. General meeting.

– Review 2022 year ; all sorts of weather but we did it and so far it’s been a good year. Good cattle, rodeoing.
– Banquet Saturday Oct 15th in Prineville, Indoor Arena, dinner tickets will be available online. Western Attire. Planning to be a Jr. High Rodeo as well, will be confirmed too.

– Stock contractors must submit their bids by Sept 30th, so a decision can be made at board meeting and fees can be set for the 2023 year. Contact Ryan, Sammee, Kasey they can get you a form that can be submitted. Location freight costs to be included as a line item.

– 2023 locations; we dealt with Burns we went back , we have it another run and in October we will decide where we go. Like the split because of separate arenas and different scene. If in Burns can we change our dates so we aren’t in the artic weather.

– Hired Judges for 2022 Season; people liked it. There was a concern on Burns judge in barrels, confusing on responsibilities. People volunteering said we don’t need you so judges left. Cost was $250 per day per judge, so $1,000 weekend. Judging needs to be more consistent. Craig was in charge of hiring them but we can move forward and try to improve them. Maybe have a judges meeting before each rodeo with all directors. Run down each event and go over all the pee wee specific rule with director. I like having the set judges. If they are there for an unforeseen time then increase their pay.

– Sammee and entries

Discuss how voting will take place if more than one nomination
– General memberships vote on board/directors. Board/ directors vote on rules at their annual meeting.

– Board of Directors will have their meeting on Sunday, October 16th to review and discuss rule proposals and changes for ’23 season.

Have a director with assistant director positions in the future. You don’t want to jump in without a life jacket and training up the people behind us.

2 year term. No appointing.
– Rodeo Entry and Membership Secretary
o Sammee Green, by Craig Neher

– Treasurer
 Liz Russell, nominated by Jen Robinson
– Goat Director-
o Alesa Peterson, nominated by Josh Peterson
o Jessica Steel, Kelsey Nonella
o Casey Romine, by Liz Russell
o Erica Leehman, by Dani Gregg
– Calf Tying Director-
o Tony Green, by Tygh O’Malley
– Rough Stock Director-
o Tygh O’Malley, nominated by Stephanie O’Malley
– Barrel Racing Director-
o Katy Schnabele, nominated by Cragi Neher
o Jackie Rhoden, nominated by Liz Russell
– Award Director 1-
o Katy Kimball, nominated by Katy Kimball
– Award Director 2-
o Sam Gallagher, nominated by Kasey Every
 Nicole Muller wants to help
– Association Secretary-
o Kasey Every by Craig Neher

2023 Rule Proposals or Suggestions:
– Junior breakaway dummy starts at least 10’ from the front of roping chute; Cody Every
o That a good learning tool. People liked this idea.
o Keep the ribbon barrier.
o How will the flag start? When the kid nods? The time should start when the horse breaks the plane of the barrier.
– No make-up runs, period.; Craig Neher.
o Choose what you want to do. There is not the opportunity in life to get to do whatever we want to do.
o Make it very clear in the rulebook.
– Allowing makeup runs for fair, 4H kids only. Jody Holmes
o County Fair conflict they can makeup
– Yes you can have rosin in the rough stock. Correct this in the rule book.
– Proposal for 3 loops in the intermediate in senior team roping, like the high school rodeo rules.
– Hiring paramedics to be at the rodeo, paramedics. You can hire Cascade Medical and Christine Mahoney will sell sponsorships to pay for this. Designated caller to call in paramedics up in the announcer stand. If there is an injury in arena there is a person in charge of calling in paramedics. Have this be a part of the “meeting”. If you have someone on site they will know the protocol of when and who to call. CMT… Mahoney will set this up and have them there.
o Ryan Kimball will follow-up with Mahoney’s on this issue.
o Do we know of a paramedic on site until we can have help here. Make sure we always know someone is here.

13 past COPWRA members are in the National High School Rodeo Short Finals

Proposal to hire a tractor driver all day each day, so it’s not a fight on speaker.

Rodeo entries; shorter entry dates, there will be a preliminary draw, there is a late fee, once final draw is posted will not be taking entries. Trying to avoid. We will work with our payment processing is an issue. Keep your confirmation numbers.

Grand Entry and Queen is being crowned tomorrow morning, please pay attention.

We have no enforcement of the rules for $25 fee and ineligible for awards for volunteers not showing up

COPWRA Director Responsibilities

This is a general overview of the director responsibilities;

President: Presides at all meetings of the membership, handles all administrative functions, and convenes Board of Directors meetings, does not get a vote unless there is a tie. Shows up day before rodeo to water, work, and make sure facility is in condition to rodeo, makes sure there is feed for the stock, and last to leave making sure all matters have been handled and facility is in better condition when left. Handles any discrepancies and complaints not dealt with by event director. Sets the dates, handles the contracts with facilities and communicates the needs of the association.

Vice President: Responsible for coordinating all Rodeo activities, and for performing the duties of the President in the case of his/her absence or disability. Shows up day before rodeo to water, work, and make sure facility is in condition to rodeo, makes sure there is feed for the stock, and last to leave making sure all matters have been handled and facility is in better condition when left. Handles any discrepancies and complaints not dealt with by event director.

Treasurer: Keeps all records of monies received in the name of the Assoc., makes deposits and withdrawals, and at each membership meeting presents a current financial report. Make sure insurance is in place each year; liability and board insurance. Pays all expenses incurred with rodeos; stock contractors, rentals, insurance. Work closely with association secretary, member secretary, sponsorship and award directors.

Association Secretary: Keeps records of all members and communication with members current. This includes updating and managing website and email blasts. Managers volunteers. Create and print off announcer sheets for each rodeo. Coordinate with Queen coordinator for queen info and grandy entry information. Responsible for the association’s email and Facebook messages. Responsible for the marketing of the association. Responsible for the design assets needed for association. Ordering merchandise to be sold each year and year end jackets for sizing. Responsible for the planning and organization of the year end awards presentation. Responsible for taking and recoding annual meeting notes, updating rule book, entry forms, membership forms, permit forms, and making sure software reflects any changes. In the annual meeting if there are more than two nominations responsible for facilitating a voting system and communicating with members. Work closely with Member Secretary, Awards, Treasurer, President and Sponsorship Director making sure things are cohesive and consistent.

Member / Rodeo Entry Secretary: Keeps membership records and mailing lists for all members, processes annual memberships, permit memberships, handles all entries for every rodeo, works with website and software support. Handles all matters pertaining to Assoc. Rodeo events, including entries, points, draws, turnouts etc. Coordinate with stock contractor and all event directors on numbers for each rodeo. Print day sheets for each day, print announcer timer sheets, timer sheets for flaggers, and draw orders for gate. After rodeo inputs all times and placings, uploads to website. Reconcile income and expenses of each rodeo, works closely with treasurer.

Awards Directors (2): Handles purchasing and events related to Awards for year-end events awards and all around awards. Responsible for helping with year end award presentation. Work with the treasurer on budgeting out the year and how much can be spent on awards. Responsible for ordering year end jackets for qualified members. Responsible for how far down awards will go in events and all around. Helps plan and organize awards banquet. Works very closely with association secretary, membership secretary, and sponsorship director.

Arena Timed Event Director: Handles all matters related to events in the main arena, setting up the barrier, determining the score, coordinate with stock contractor on numbers and stock needed. Handles all discrepancies that happen in the arena for timed events. Responsible for field flaggers. Is present or easily accessible for the duration of events taking place of their responsibility.

Track Director: Handles all matters related to events held on the Track. Sets the pole pattern in the morning, make sure eyes are setup and working, sets out the table, radios, timer sheets, and flag. Responsible for flaggers know the rules and rules are being followed. Also responsible for knowing ground conditions, when it needs worked and watered, and can change the number of runners per rake. Is present or easily accessible for the duration of events taking place of their responsibility.

Rough Stock Director: Handles all matters related to rough stock events. Finding judges, pickup men, bull fighters, draws, and holds mandatory meeting to review the rules, coordinates stock needed with stock contractor. Is present or easily accessible for the duration of events taking place of their responsibility.

Barrel Director: Handles all matters related to the Barrel Racing. Responsible for staking the pattern make sure eyes are setup and working, sets out the table, radios, timer sheets, and flag. Responsible for flaggers know the rules and rules are being followed. Also responsible for knowing ground conditions, when it needs worked and watered, and can change the number of runners per rake. Is present or easily accessible for the duration of events taking place of their responsibility.

Calf Tying: Handles all matters related to Calf Tying. Coordinate with stock contractor, make sure the draws are done, timer and helpers are in place. Is present or easily accessible for the duration of events taking place of their responsibility.

Goat Director: Handles all matters related to Goat Tying. Designate the field flagger for each age group. Coordinates with the stock contractor and entry secretary on numbers and counts for stock needed. Make sure goats have collars and lead ropes. Stakes the goat stake on track and sets the eyes.

Sponsorship: Handles all matters and communication related to sponsorships, updating sponsorship packet each year, reach out communication to past sponsors first in January of each year, then fill in with new sponsors. working with association secretary to make sure website and online media are current. Mails each sponsor a thank you letter and then an invitation to the awards banquet. Recruit new sponsors each year. Also work with award directors to make sure saddles, jackets, etc. all have correct sponsors and logos.