COPWRA Board Meeting Minutes: Friday, July 19 2024

Board Meeting Minutes July 19, 2024

Rodeo office at Crook County Fairgrounds

Called to Order at 6:06pm


Attendees: Sammee Green, Kasey Every, Sam Gallagher, Ryan Gallagher, Trevor McCoin

Casey Romine, Jody Holmes, Ryan Steele, Liz Russell, Craig Neher, Jill Jennings.

Phone: Katy Kimball

Not present: Tygh O’Malley, Katy Schnabele


2025 Dates– if kept on same weekends as 2024

April 26 & 27

May 10 & 11

May 31 and June 1st as an option to replace July

June 7 & 8

July 19 & 20

*National High School Finals July 13-19 2025

*Jefferson County Fair July 23-26 2025

  • Membership and Entry numbers have been up, in turn means people like it.
  • Other experience at other associations, it’s a cluster, arenas take forever things are so much easier her.
  • For 2025 your May 31 June 1st, weekend and then doing June 7 and 8th. Will this be Oregon High School State Finals?
  • It would be beneficial for stock contractors; families would like it.

Board terms and rotations- The Bylaws state that the terms for the positions should be alternating, with 3 Directors being elected each year.

  • I think we have added positions until we are no longer balanced with Board turnover.
  • Can we make some of these positions a three-year term for this election only, so that they are moved to a schedule of odd-year vacancy, which would even out the Board turnover?

The Bylaws also state that a Nominating Committee consisting of Outgoing Officers and the Board of Directors shall make nominations prior to the annual meeting, as well as take nominations at the general membership meeting.

  • Make certain terms 1 year so people aren’t overwhelmed by it.
  • There are no term limits.
  • Certain positions take a lot more understanding. There needs to be the right people into the spots.
  • Paying the position discussion, it’s about finding people who are passionate and doing it for the right reasons, can’t pay people to do these positions.
  • Positions need to be rodeo familiar.

Trevor  motion, Sammee Second

  • Goat and Calf Tying at 2 year terms;
  • Association Secretary 1 year
  • All Around Award 2 year, Event Award 1 year


Vice and President should be on alternating years, as well as the awards, and secretaries.  This leaves a person with experience in the position to help lead. Table this for a 2025 discussion.


  • Rodeo Secretary / Association Secretary Duties. What are the duties, how are they shared, can they be combined, split.  Who does what and how?
  • Someone who has first year junior or younger to serve a good 4 years.
  • Membership make sure kids are in correct age divisions.
  • Sammee has cheat sheets,
  • Positions need to have a kid in it and remember these people have a vote.
  • If you take a position and you’re not a parent/member you won’t be able to vote, if a grandma or aunt takes this role. Discuss this.


  • Any nominations / recommendations from leaving members
  • We need to think about this and make it less intimidating


  • Finical Recap year to date – budget discussion and 2025 planning
  • Award start planning on March, review membership numbers, timing, and follow the rulebook.
  • There is a process to how money is spent.
  • Vote on amount spending on Awards
  • Craig has a lot of confidence in the people now, but there is a lot of trust with the people do this in. President needs to have it under control and an understanding.
  • There doesn’t need to be a vote on this because it depends on membership numbers initially. Checks and balances.
  • The treasurer will be the gatekeeper.
  • Proposal presented based on what numbers are so board knows what plan is for spending.


  • Vote on amount spending on Awards Banquet; clarify date, time, location, venue, and theme.
  • Directors want coats.
  • Ask FFA or 4H donation to serve food, so people can eat with their families.
  • Rodeo That is Out of This World theme

Katy Kimball mentioned concerns that have been expressed to her drinking at the arena and alcohol use in and around the arena. These people don’t feel comfortable with coming to the board because they will be laughed at. Board needs to be enforce it and be more proactive about it. It’s a simple thing.

Any visible in or around the arena, you will be asked to leave. Any confrontation your child will be disqualified. The rule book needs to be more direct that it’s a disqualification. Making sure parents aren’t driving around parking lot with kids and drinking beer.

Curfew takes place at other rodeos.

There needs to be no tolerance.

Collecting bad debts, do we hire a collection agency, how do we collect bad debts. Mark ineligible not being able to enter rodeos.

Queen tryouts happened with two candidates.

Meeting adjourned at 7:43pm