COPWRA General Membership Meeting Minutes Saturday, July 20, 2024

COPWRA General Membership Meeting Agenda Saturday, July 20, 2024

Called to Order by Craig Neher at 5:55pm

Discuss the local fire and evacuations taking place. The air quality could be a factor and a lot out of our control until we know what it is.

  • 2025 Dates
    • April 26 – 27
    • May 10-11
    • May 31-June 1
    • June 7-8

*keep July 19-20 if can’t have 2 in the May.

  • We are waiting to hear back from Casey at fairgrounds that. If May 31 to June 1st

 Financial Report- presented by Liz Russell

    • $78,000 in the account, some awards have been ordered. Total income in 2023 was $129,000 and this year it is already at $149,000. Discussed the line items for income. Financially blessed in this association. Discuss the line items for the expenses. We have cut back on the judges and saved on those expenses.
    • There was a recommendation to start accepting cards or Venmo with them paying the fee. The less checks we take, would take less to chase down bad debt.
    • As a president there are checks and balances, making sure we are operating in the black.
  • Proposed Rule Changes for 2025
  • Change barrel pattern dimensions, barrel racing pattern dimensions to Starting line no less than 35’ to 1st no more than 45’. 80’ between 1st- 2nd, 95’ to 3rd. Allow 90’ from fence to starting line. Set barrel pattern for arena conditions, and arena dimensions upon directors’ discretions. Submitted by Katy Schnabele
    • Fix typo on page “front” barrel
  • No circling or turning in times events for intermediate and senior divisions. Currently the jr high and high school rules state that a horse cannot turn or leave forward momentum to start the run. I propose that the rule is added to not only follow the hs rule book but also speed up the current rodeos. Submitted by Ryan Kimball
    • Would this subject to people now running though the gate.
    • The gate area becomes highly unsafe.
    • Turning is fine, it’s the circles they take. Makes those kids following the rules.
    • The gate is not always centered.
    • The level of our contestants for control
    • Helping the kids setup and prepare them doesn’t mean we need to not allow circling or turning.
    • There are other small things we can do to save time, this isn’t a priority
  • Calf tying director duties to include – Calf Roping and double mugging.  This helps split the duties of Arena Director and makes sense as all these events are in conjunction with one another. Submitted by Craig Neher
    • Helps eliminate some of the responsibilities of arena director
    • What about this being dissolved by the arena director
    • Make the chute dogging and calf tying one positions because they happen first thing in the morning.
    • These three events would be done by someone knowledgeable on these events. Break it up so someone isn’t there all day.
  • Calf tying, add a time limit. Submitted by Sammee Green
    • Currently there isn’t a time limit in calf tying from the post
    • :30 or :45 seconds
    • Prefer the :30 seconds gives the little kids still have a chance
    • People here make the rules get deeper and deeper from parents picking and picking
  • Double Mugging – Rules state that the Calf must be cleared, we were operating under a day rule to allow if the calf is down to take down. Submitted by Craig Neher
    • It has been a ground rule but needs to be changed in the rule book.
    • Adding all these rules, get these little kids excited and roping calves.
    • Idea of this event to get a calf roped and it stays tied for :06 seconds.
    • Parents are getting better at flanking not the kids.
  • Pole Bending – define the rule into the rule book on “Fixing” a run. Submitted by Craig Neher
    • There is a discrepancy between the HS rules and our book, we don’t define it.
    • There is a lot of kids not at the level to be at HS or JR High rodeo.
    • Rule book needs to define what then it is, allowed to correct it with a not time, or not allowed.
    • Would be the same for barrels and poles
    • Change it for the seniors
    • We are here for the kids, does it really save that much time
    • Colt as a judge thinks it takes too much time and needs to be intermediate and seniors need ride out and practice at home to get it right.
    • Kids need the opportunity to correct this on a competition arena.
    • The track gets done before the main arena.
    • Fixing the pattern includes breaking the eye.
  • Board Operations – Board to operate under “Parliamentary Procedures”. This would be following for example Robert’s Rules of Parliamentary Procedures.  This entails examples such as Presidents cannot make a motion, Treasures and Secretaries are not of voting capacity, quorum must be met to vote, etc. Submitted by Craig Neher
    • Guidelines of rules helps a board operate. Presidents can’t make a motion, treasures, secretaries can’t make a motion.
    • People won’t want to volunteer on the board, if they don’t have a vote.
    • It’s not that Craig doesn’t want a vote taking away from people just needs guidelines.
    • Some people spoke up its fine how it is now, but then some others say yes there should be these policies in place.
    • Craig recommends people research what it is, too focused on the “secretary” voting.
    • President doesn’t get a vote why is that.
    • You get someone who doesn’t know rodeo takes a board position, but they’re voting on rodeo things.
  • Would like the seniors to go to age 15, Weathers
    • It would throw off the 3 year age groups
    • Kids can already pee wee and high school rodeo
    • Josh doesn’t see it being a good thing
    • Needs to be a step up between the gap of pee wee and high school rodeo.
  • Association Secretary – Make this a paid position. This could include adding Rodeo Secretary duties or not. (Making one position out of two).  Submitted by Craig Neher.
    • This was discussed the at board meeting last night. Other associations like high school and jr high school are all paid association secretaries. IT would change the dynamics of the association. There is a lot more involved with taxes, accountability.
  • Day Money payout – Would this bring more contestants that can’t make all rodeos, give a nugget to contestants that only have one good day. Submitted by Craig Neher
    • Sammee discussed the concerns of the workload this brings on. Entry fees would have to be raised. It’s affordable.
    • You will never make enough, to make it worth while.
    • We are pee wee association, not a junior rodeo association.
    • Prefer the not of paying back, other associations payback.
    • You would have to hire office staff
    • There are things being done that make the middle kids feel successful with awards.
  • Rodeo locations – Hold rodeos at venues other than Crook County Fairgrounds. Submitted by Craig Neher
    • Asked the membership if they are happy in Prineville, nobody wants to move away from here.
  • Propose that no kids should be allowed in the arena during other kids runs while runs are being made. Submitted by Liz Russell
    • This should not be allowed in the arena when kids are competing.
    • Read the rule right now it’s noted in the rough stock, it should expand to all the events and track and arena.
    • In the arena with exception of volunteering or under approval of a director arena and track
    • Allow “except when volunteering”


  • Starting the rodeo at 8 am with Calf tying, then moving directly into team roping, followed by grand entry. Grand entry time to be estimated but not waited for if team roping finishes sooner. Submitted by Jody Holmes
    • Instead of hard start times would be the calf tying, takes 15minutes
    • Roll right into the team roping, then roll right into the grand entry.
    • It eliminates the confusion and liability if we can’t start early so they don’t get.
    • Don’t move grand entry / move the grand entry
    • Concern is enough time for contestants and parents get to their next events, the adult team ropers have time to take care of their horses, kids, etc.
    • Jill says leave it where it’s at.
  • Define how many liners are needed in the roping events (none-2-4?) and remove extra people/spectators/ropers waiting to rope during all the roping events. Submitted by Jody Holmes
    • All roping events
    • Grandstands have parents they can’t see, it’s effecting how calf horses are working.
    • Have to have liners because they can’t score and will turn cattle back to the left.
    • We are getting too knit picky
    • Youd have to have harder running stock with less liners.
    • Can’t train the parents and kids at same time
    • There are too many things to micromanage
    • Minimize how far down we go down the arena, arena director.
    • The kid and parent need to think about it and work on it.
    • Third posts down nobody past there, the further you go you bring it back a little more into the open.
    • There is a flow, and don’t switch things up it is working.
    • Asking people why they come here, because our rodeo is run well.
  • Moving the sled roping onto the track with a panel-built box next to the exit gate, with the box closed off/fenced off during other track events. Submitted by Jody Holmes
    • Makes it easy
    • Progression to next step, more realistic.
    • Back in the box and nodding their head
    • The order of senior rough stock saddle steer and break in between. The juniors are run and seniors for a logistics reason, and kids having to compete back to back. You can’t load and strip stuff at the same time.
  • The seniors rope with another kid in the team roping, they have to enter with a partner, getting them setup for junior high. Saves on helpers.
    • Drawing will be a problem.
    • It’s a safety concern
    • It prepares them to start thinking about partners
    • They are of age need to find partners
    • It changed because of horsepower, safety.
    • If kid roping with kid, then NO three loops. Safety issue.
  • Allow 3 loops for intermediates and seniors in team roping with a 30 or 45 second time limit. Submitted by Jody Holmes
    • These kids are roping with an adult.
    • When the adult miss, that is team roping
    • Jr High and High School have a :30 limit
    • They never get practice rebuilding their loop
    • Benefit the heelers, the dads are fast enough to rebuild.
    • Skill we are not building for them.
    • If you have to bring your own partner.
    • It’s hard on stock, horses, gear, and adults.
    • It’s a safety concern
    • JR High and High school, use entire arena have more room, less chance of a wreck.
    • None of the adult ropers want it to go to three loops
    • Should the juniors be cut back to two loops for safety concerns
    • Part of the skills


Volunteer flaggers was a high level of inconsistency of times, rules, then we appointed people, times not matching. Let’s try hiring judges. How to find credentials. Is it harder to find someone that knows rules or is it harder to find judges. This year judges will be booked this fall. Craig uses a judges list of HS Rodeo, Jr Rodeo, ICA, NPRA.

Stacie Smith from Pendleton


  • Chute Dogging- why do we have the chute dogging rules different than junior high.

They way the horn is grabbed to be changed back to how it is in junior high. Cant touch the horn until it’s across the line.


Officer / Director Nominations; nominations will be taken at the meeting

  • Rodeo Secretary (position open, Sammee Green not returning for position)
    • Brittany Wofford- nominated by Casey Romine, second by Roger Nonella
  • Treasurer
    • Liz Russell, nominated by Casey Romine, second by Ryan Gallagher
  • Rough Stock Director
    • Mike Romine, nominated by Liz Russell, second by Josh Peterson
  • Goat Director (position open, Casey Romine not returning)
    • Casey Romine, nominated by Kasey Every, seconded by Kelsey Nonella
    • Delegate someone to help her with the duties.
    • Alternate Kit Thompson
  • Calf Tying Director (position open, Tony Green not returning for position)
    • This role could change based on the voting in October. You need knowledge but you don’t have to be involved in what your kids would be in.
    • Colton Gow, nominated by Roger Nonella, seconded by Mike Romine
  • Barrels (position open, Katy Schnabele not returning for position)
    • Bailey Cline, nominated by Liz Russell, seconded by Roger Nonella
  • Awards, all around
    • Tiffany Davis, nominated by Jody Holmes
    • Laura Davis, nominated by Liz Russell, Second Josh Peterson
    • Kelsey Nonella, nominated by Sam Gallagher, second Ryan Steele
  • Awards, events (position open, Katy Kimball not returning for position)
    • Jill Latno-Yamate, nominated by Jody Holmes, second by Laura Davis
    • Jenna Nonella, nominated by Kelsey Nonella, second by Sam Gallagher
  • Volunteer Coordinator
    • Jody Holmes, nominated by Liz Russell second by Ryan Gallagher
  • Association Secretary (position open, Kasey Every not returning)
    • No nominations
    • 1 year position

October meeting we choose the stock contractor but needs dates and locations. We will need their numbers by October. Goats and all other stock.

Two queens getting introduced at grand entry tomorrow, Sunday’s grand entry.

 Meeting Adjourned 7:55pm